By 'greater need' I don't mean, your arbitrary desire is greater. I mean the actual need, based on detailed and definable deficiencies. Once you've identified that someone with a greater need than you, then give them the thing that you need. If you can teach someone something you know well, which they need to know, then you are giving.
If you have vacant property that someone could use, then give it to them. You can find a way that protects your interests and yet still give others something they need.
Your Universe always pays its debts. Every single one. As with money, so for everything else that you need, desire or give. You can create a huge debtor in your Universe by just giving, giving and more giving. Conversely, you will create a huge creditor in your Universe by getting more than you've given. All debts are eventually settled, sooner or later. It's a law of nature. The thing is, you won't know from where this debt come, or how it will be settled, be it to you or from you.
As Zig Ziglar said, "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what THEY want".
Find out more about the Universal Model in the forthcoming book, UPWavers.
The time has come for all humans to embrace all other humans, no matter what they look like, sound like or smell like. Those strange UPWaves they are forming today will be held and defended by your children or grandchildren tomorrow, as will your UPWaves be held and defended by their descendants. That's the human condition. The more you mix it up now, the better your future and the better your planet. Fear-mongers and other terrorists thrive on people distrusting one another. Don't be that person.
Oh and by the way, here's an UPWave....... Happy Thanksgiving To ALL you humans, all over the world!
![]() Why do I write these blog articles? Why this website? Why am I bothering to write this book? Do I have nothing better to do? Why am I 'wasting my time'? Why does the bird sing? Why does the river flow? Why does the mountain, well, why is the mountain there? Is it just getting in your way? ![]() Does the bird know that you appreciate its singing? Is the river aware that you love looking at it, floating in it, listening to it, camping near it? Does the mountain stand tall especially so you can take pretty vacation pictures of it? Does it feel a sense of accomplishment in allowing you to climb it? Why does the scorpion sting? Why does anything do anything? Why is anything existing? Why does anything happen? The being, doing and happening of anything is the result of U Particles and UPWaves, or more simply, the consequence of thoughts and ideas. Who's? Yours? Mine? Everyone's? Who is this entity known as 'everyone'? ![]() Which brings me back to why in your Universe am I bothering you with my drivel? I don't intend to burst your bubble, but I'm not actually doing it for you. I'm doing it because this is what I do. This is how I choose to serve my Universe. This is how I am being creative. This is how I grow. This is me doing my duty. Most of all however, this is me having fun. And therein lay the 5 Tasks of Life. ![]() A bird sings for all those reasons, but chiefly because that's what it's programmed to do. I don't care whether you interpret the word 'programming' as a reference to creationism or evolutionary genetics, because it's all the bloody same. If you care to read what I write, it may help you, but on the other hand, it may not. Most importantly however, I'm doing it for me, because you are me. Because, when it's all about you, it's really just all about me! Is your noodle cooking yet? Discover more in the Book 1 of UPWavers, 'Doctrine', being released in December 2015. ![]() Do you or someone you know, ever seem to know something is about to happen before it actually happens? It's generally accepted that different humans have different reaction speeds, which we call reflexes. Someone is about to fall and you spring to catch them before they even start falling. You're about to get punched or kicked and you've already begun to block the attack, almost before the assailant began the motion. You answer the front door or pick up the phone, in what feels like a nanosecond after it rang. ![]() We see these people all the time in sports, such as tennis or fencing, or goalkeeping. The reflex speed is perhaps the chief reason why that person excels in her sport. Whether you call it the Midi-chlorian Count or the UPGR (your U Particle Generation Rate), or simply 'reaction time', it's all the same. Just as your cells are essentially microscopic single-celled organs that live symbiotically inside your biological tissues, so do your thoughts and ideas or more accurately, your U Particles and UPWaves, function as unobservable subunits that, when activated in sufficient quantity and generation speed, allow their host, meaning you, to synchronize with the 4th Vector Subconscious Mind. ![]() This direct connection between your 5th Vector Individual Conscious Mind and the corresponding 4th Vector doorway, is what allows all creation to come in to being, to happen and to be done. Only via the doorway does a mind connect with The Field, which comprises the Collective Consciousness of your Universe, the raw material energy of your Universe, and the means by which these can create form and substance. ![]() It is your degree of attunement between your 5th Vector and your 4th Vector, connecting you more closely to your source and to open the flow of energy and manifestation, that determines how effective you are at making stuff happen, as well as giving the appearance that you have amazing reflex speeds. This is also known as your degree of focus. To find out more, you can visit or study Book 1 of UPWavers, being released next month.
AuthorSonny Saggar, author, physician and one tiny voice in your Universe. Archives
December 2023