If you were drinking a cup of coffee a minute ago, then the chances are high that you are drinking a cup of coffee right now. Your reality is highly influenced by what your reality was a minute ago, and in the same way, by what your reality was yesterday, last week or last year.
To change your reality, you must first break that persistent train of continuity, that fixes your Consciousness into believing that what was real before, must continue to be real later. If you cannot break free from that 'rule', then you will not be able to change anything. If you want change, then you've got to want it bad enough. You've got to passionately want it, even just a little. The amount of emotion required will be directly proportional to how big of a change you desire. If it's a small change you desire, say you want tea instead of coffee, then your emotional drive will be barely perceptible, although it is still required. If it's a big change you desire, say you want to buy that house that your Consciousness deemed unaffordable last week, then your emotional drive will not just need to be huge, it needs to be palpable with every moment. So once you have a thought (U Particle generation) about the change you wish to see, then you'll develop an idea (a U Particle Waveform Function, or UPWave) about the change, with some real substance about how it will appear to all your senses, not just your vision. Next, you'll infuse that UPWave with emotion, which is what gives it 'life' and the energy to become a higher probability concurrence. Finally, you must take action to achieve that desire, as well Consciously be ready to receive that desire, If you're not prepared to win, knowing that it can and should happen, then it's pretty hard to win. How many baseballs will you catch without a glove? Always wear that glove. If you do the above, and understanding the above is crucial, then your new reality will change into what you desire. If you don't do the above then you risk two things: either (1) things will remain the same, or (2) things will get worse, because your reality will be influenced by someone else who's looking after #1 and whatever happens to you is acceptable collateral damage. Every day, in every way, you must strive to change your reality. Because if you don't, someone else will, and you may not like the results. Drive your own bus. Change your own reality.
Who are you? Who am I? Is it the same question? Does it really matter?
Your sense of self-identity has been the subject of immense philosophical debate for millennia, psychological discussion for centuries and, more recently, physics research for decades. What is meant by those words, like soul, spirit, consciousness, mind, body, ego and so on? It's not my intention to cure your insomnia with an analysis of all that rubbish (just buy the book if you want that). Your Consciousness (yes, with a capital C), is arguably the same as any other. And by 'the same', I don't mean that it's like the others: I mean it is the others. And by 'the others', I don't just mean other humans. In fact, I'm not limiting that to other animals, or even all other living things. By 'the others', I'm referring to all particulate forms in your Universe. Yes, even your house, your car, your kitchen and even the screen that you're reading these words on. All of these things have Consciousness, because all these things have the same one Consciousness. To find out who you are, you'll need to open your thought process, the generation of your Universal Particle waveform functions, to logic. You'll need to set aside the prejudices that were instilled in you since your birth, but which you deny are there. It is only when you can abandon the last vestiges of prejudice against that which seems different to your primitive ego mind, will you discover that the separateness you have observed all these years, was a mere illusion. Only then, will you finally discover who you are. |
AuthorSonny Saggar, author, physician and one tiny voice in your Universe. Archives
December 2023